What to Expect
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
“In stages, the impossible becomes possible. ”
Our work together will be a fascinating journey into the heart and soul of you. My priority is to understand what has inspired you to reach out for support right now. What is it that you really want?
Guided by this intention, we will explore the patterns that drive your life and sometimes stand in your way.
If you have difficulty knowing what you feel, we will reconnect you to your embodied self, understanding that not feeling was once a brilliant adaptive strategy. If you struggle, conversely, with chronic overwhelming sensations such as hyper-vigilance, panic, or rage- these biological functions are actually trying to help you survive. The problem is, they are relics of the past- and now, without proper resolution, they keep you trapped in time. I will help you to shift out of these distressing defaults by discharging old trauma from the nervous system because without the capacity to be present (to feel, regulate, and express emotion from current adult consciousness), relationships will not be healthy and they will not last.
Until we begin healing, stifling emotional armor rules our existence. And often, we need help seeing the part we play in our own suffering- not from a position of self-blame, but from the realistic vantage of personal responsibility and choice. I will encourage compassionate self-inquiry into your thought patterns and relational styles and how they impact your life. But let me be clear:
Insight alone is not enough. You must integrate what you learn in our time together and practice new ways of being out in the world.
Yes, it can be downright f****** terrifying, but what’s the alternative? If you don’t know what you want, that simply means that fear is in the way. That’s ok. I’ll help you discover the clarity that resides inside- untapped but eternal.
If you want your life to change, You Must Change.
Each moment, everything you think, do, the way you treat yourself and others, the words you use, the perspectives and possibilities that you hold, the stories you tell, the risks you take, the degree to which you open your heart and express the truth inside of you….all these elements create your current world. You can either be the Victim or the Creator of your life, but you can’t be both.
Expect from me: Depth, curiosity, authenticity, non-judgment, compassion, directness, humor and presence.
Required of you: Willingness to do things you have never done before, kindness towards yourself, the courage to feel and thus heal.
You can do it. I can help. <3
“The only way out is through.