Thrive Mind ~ Quantum Coaching
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
If Traditional therapy has not worked for you, you Are not alone.
Sadly this is many people’s legitimate experience, including my own for way too many years.
Quantum Coaching is different.
This life-changing process guides you to what you want by first reconnecting you to your authentic Self, because nothing in all of existence is more powerful than the real YOU.
Deep down, I know you can feel your soul affirming YES, even if you have no idea why….
The first thing I want to teach you is this: Listen to that Yes. In other words, listen to your Self. Because if you are truly ready to heal, your inner resonance will be telling you “Yes” to this approach.
Quantum Coaching is a blend of Eastern philosophy, Somatic & Depth Psychotherapies, personal wisdom and cutting-edge science: a synthesis of spiritual, mystical, and real-world self-empowerment strategies. This process will support you in connecting with your innate healing potential and vital life force energy. It will help you clarify intentions, eliminate fear-based obstacles, and live your highest vision.
Quantum Physics is a branch of science that helps us understand the smallest units of matter and energy in order to make sense of our world. It acknowledges that the Universe is unfathomable in its shape-shifting, mind-bending complexity. Physicists discovered that through the act of watching, the observer affects reality. Meaning that the lens through which we look at life actually creates it. This same field of possibility is inside of us. My teachings will show you how to look at your Self, your life, and your circumstances in a way that will change everything for the better.
Quantum Coaching uses the principles of physics and metaphysics to explain how unconscious patterns are creating your current reality- and what you can do to shift course at any time and construct a life you love.
Clients often comment on my confidence, which at this point is both a simple reality and a twist of cosmic irony.
They confess in early sessions, “I don’t really believe I can (…heal emotionally or physically from long-standing illness, find a loving, inspiring, fulfilling partnership, believe in myself truly, live in abundance, connect deeply…) but I somehow believe you when you say it’s possible.”
My certainty regarding “impossible” dreams emerged from an inauspicious early life of engulfing emotional pain and brutal self-hatred, a litany of physical complaints and endless intractable illnesses that no medical specialists could ever help me resolve- and a frighteningly limited capacity to dream. To be honest, as a young person, I was once a lot more troubled than the people I help now- (with the exception of patients I supported in psychiatric acute units.) Providing trauma therapy in these facilities was compelling not only because I love to help people who need it most, but also because I related to their struggles and secretly marveled at how I had managed to escape such circumstances myself. This was likely just a product of my ultra-avoidant-attachment patterns and egoic pride:
“If I’m meant to suffer endlessly and ultimately self-destruct, I’ll just do that here at home on my own.”
And while the broken aspects of me felt so real and all-encompassing, my True Self kept pushing forward.
Over time I surrendered the story that I had to be ever-on-my-own and struggling in some way. I learned I didn’t have to maintain a self-constructed prison around my own potential. And I’m here to tell you, I was not alone in doing that. Any of us can find we are still restricting ourselves unconsciously. And it’s why, through 30 years of active seeking, learning, and fine-tuning, I’ve remained obsessed with how we can continue expanding our ability to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled. Learning to accept challenges, frustrations, and even devastations, we begin to recognize them as the opportunities they actually are. Whether you are having a distinctly hard time right now or you are just wanting to connect more meaningfully with yourself, others, and the magical Universe around you, let yourself receive this support. There are incredible, spiritual answers that our inner-quests and dark-nights-of-the-soul are leading us to. I am driven to share this wisdom not just because I myself so desperately needed it, but because my deepest desire is for every being on Earth to have what they most desire and to be truly free.
As lost as I once was, I somehow determined that if I could one day figure out how to change myself (and thus my world)- and then show people how to do this for themselves, all the hardship I endured would have been worth it. I knew in my heart that if I could do this as-yet unfathomable thing, anyone who could find a way to desire and dream could do it too. I won’t say it’s been a breeze, but this gritty, all-consuming drive for meaning and ascension has fueled my passion to serve. And yes, it has all been worth it.
I can’t express how soul-satisfying it is when clients surge with self-love and empowerment through the experiences they have in session. But please realize, this journey can be a rough one. And it takes time. Be patient with yourself. Be kind. This process is not about becoming a perfect person, eradicating the natural challenges of life (impossible) or proving anything to anyone else.
This is about reconnecting you to the Real You that you are.
I’m here to teach, guide, support and believe unwaveringly in you. And I do. My own countless trials-by-fire and the years I’ve devoted to working with others have proved to me beyond question that we are all Divine and worthy beings, always provided for, endlessly adored.
You are wise enough to know that what you have done in the past will not take you where you want to go. Nothing in life is random. Infinite Intelligence is orchestrating a synchrony of beautiful outcomes for you, right now and always, if you will only let them in.
Let me show you how.
“Understanding is a kind of ecstasy.”
“A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.”